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Loony Letters (recent version 1.1) is a text animation plugin, the beta version, that is.
Creating typo animations in C4D was always quite a drag: create a text spline, convert into single letters, assign an extrude nurbs object to it and finally keyframe every letter individually.

That's exactly what Loony Letters v1.1 was designed for, while working with this plugin is extremly easy:

  • Create a textspline
  • Assign a Loony Letters Tag to it
  • Enter parameters
  • View the result and start rendering.

The result could look like the following examples. All texanimations were created using Loony Letters v1.1 only.
As a service you can download the presets used to make the example videos (learn more about presets below).

A quick glance at Loony Letters' user interface:

The Loony Letters user interface.
For clarity only the position parameters are displayed completely. Rotation and Scale are cropped to their first set of parameters.
1 (Activate)
Disabling this checkbox, stops all Loony Letters actions. As a matter of fact, it also removes all geometry created by the plugin.
2 (Animate In/Out Tabs)
Enter the values for animating in or out in this tab.
3 (Animate in Parameters)
defines at which frame the animation begins, Duration how long the animation will take and Fade-in defines how long the letters will be faded in.
If the checkbox is disabled, the text will fade in as a whole.
4 (Direction and Offset)
This defines, whether the letters will appear from left to right or vice versa. If "none" is selected, the text will appear as a whole. Same applies, if Offset is set to 0. Tthis value sets the timespan between two letters. Values smaller than 1 are also possible, a setting of 0.5 for example, will produce two letters per frame.
5 (Animation and variation values)
With Loony Letters you can transform the 3 standard settings: position, rotation and scale (Note: Scale, not size!!!).
Entering a value in the X,Y,Z (H,P,B respectively) defines the starting position, relative to the end position. Meaning, a position value of X=500 lets the letters appear 500 units to the right of the end position.
Attention: the default value for scale is 1 not 0!
The number field Var creates variations from the value defined above. This is calculted pseudo-randomly. A variation of 50% for a value of 200 will result in numbers between 100 and 300.
6 (Motion spline paths)
Linear movement - the default setting - is boring. With the spline control, you can not only let your letters accelerate or decelerate smoothly, you can also make them swing, jump, whatever you want.
The spline paths work just like C4D's own spline controls.
7 (Knot coordinates, Reset, Copy, Paste)
The X and Y coordinates of the selected knots can be viewed or edited with these numberfields.
Sometimes you get tangled up with the splines and then it is highly annoying to delete every knot individually (dragging it out the grey field). Simply hit the Reset to do this with the click of a button.
On the other hand, it is sometimes very time-consuming to rebuild every sophisticated spline knot by knot. Again Loony Letters offers a one-click solution - simply hit the Copy button and you can paste the spline to every other path control.
8 (Random Seed)
Like mentioned before, variations are calculated randomly - well sort of. Every randomization needs an initiation value. This is the random seed, meaning every identical seed produces identical variations.
9 (Extrude parameters)
Textsplines as such don't have a geometry, that's why extrude nurbs are needed to make them visible. Almost all parameters known from the C4D extrude object can be found here.
Attention: An extrude value of 0 and scaling the Z axis may cause unpredictable results, since 0 times x still remains 0!
10 Preset Load, Save and Quickload buttons
A small but very time-saving goodie are the preset functions. With them you can easily restore to default or save and recall a preset previously created.
And using the quickload buttons lets you store work copies of your settings. Simply hit Set, enter a name and the parameters can be recalled by hitting the Use buttons with just one click.
As stated above, Loony Letters is still in beta stage. It is far more stable and offers much more features than the preceding version 0.9, but unfortunately some things still don't work as expected...


  • Loony Letters works with C4d versions higher than 9.1 since it uses COFFEE commands which were added with the latest SDK. There will be no version for R9 or lower.
  • The recent version of Loony Letters does not support multiline text. Hope to get this fixed soon.
  • There are some spelling errors in the user interface, mainly in the Aniamte Out tab, where the checkbox "animate in" and the editfield "fade-in" should of course be "animate out" and "fade out"
  • Loony Letters is supposed to be attached to a text spline only, however it is still possible to assign it to any other object. This will only result in error messages. Will be fixed in the next release.
  • When another object is selected while rendering, it is possible, that the rendering stops or hangs up. Working on it....
  • When entering an X or Y value of a spline knot, this knot's Y position will jump to the cursor position, when another knot is selected. Don't know, why this is so, but hopefully this issue will be resolved in the next version.
  • Extrusionparameters are not stored correctly. When using multiple Loony Letters tags, all of them have the same extrusion values.
  • Reactivating a Loony Letters tag too quickly one after the other, can result in strange behaviour. This is, because reloading the stored values is interupted and so default or wrong parameters are loaded.
  • It can happen that letters are transformed in position, rotation or scale even though no value is entered. I guess this has to do with the variation parameter which is stored in the tags base container. If you stumble over this issue, please let me know what settings you made or how this error can be reproduced. At the moment, I haven't got the slightest clue, how this issue could be resolved
  • if you paste a spline, but no spline has been copied before, an empty motion path is inserted. Should be easy to fix.

    Looking forward to any c&c, suggestions or requests for further features. As Loony Letters is not a commercial project, the only payoff I can offer is a better product ;-)


    After downloading the LoonyLetters WinRar file, extract it into C4D's plugin folder.
    The following files should now be found in the Loony Letters directory:
    LoonyLettersEditor.cob - the user interface
    oonyletters.cob - the actual plugin
    Loony_Letters_1_1_logo.tif, ico.tif, scale_icon.tif, rotate_icon.tif, move_icon.tif - graphics needed for the tag and the editor
    quick1-4.qk1-4 - quickload presets,, - demo presets to get started

    Well, that's actually all for now, folks. Happy animating and - have fun!

    DOWNLOAD Loony Letters v1.1. (WinRar-file, 217 KB)

  • copyright André du Fresne

    Loony Letters is still beta. Please let me know, what you like or dislike, which features you would like to see in up-coming version. Help improving Loony Letters with your comments.